Friday, July 4, 2014

My Husband loves Lavender Essential Oil

I love Lavender, it lowers my husband's blood pressure within minutes, just by putting a drop on each earlobe!! We have actually checked his BP before and after using lavender and it's true, lavender DOES lower his BP!

Now he stays healthier AND he smells good too! ;-)


Check out the coolest Young Living website ever!

Hey Gals,

I love this personal website I have for my Young Living business with YL Website.  It has so many interactive features and videos that are updated on a regular basis. You can go to this website and find out what any oil can be used for, what it looks like, and how much it costs. It makes it so easy for other people to learn about Young Living! Especially the "Seed to Seal" process that is the only one of its kind in the world.  None of the other "oil companies" can truly say that, and if they are advertising their product that way, they will get caught.

I know where my oils are sourced... Do you?

Check my site here to see what it looks like:

And if you want a site of your own, please sign up here:

Hope you had a terrific 4th of July! God Bless the USA!!

New life, new state, new dream!

Wow, moved half way across the country last year! Now we are in Dubuque Iowa and we grow our own food, can drink water from our faucet and get a LOT of rain!! :-)))

God has been good to us this year, we haven't had too many health issues. Trying to cut out wheat from our diet - NOT easy to do. We are reading (or rather listening to) the book, Wheat Belly by Dr. William Davis. We heard him speak at this year's Young Living convention in Salt Lake City in June. Quite a lot of really good information to take in.

David has been able to eliminate his BP medicine just by using Lavender essential oil on his earlobes. Then he got rid of the depression meds because the BP meds were making him depressed!  Unbelievable how the FDA (oxymoron of a company) can authorize use of  a medication that causes depression, just so they can sell you another medication that "reduces" the depression (and has another side effect...). How is it the government can dictate what food is "safe" for us to consume, yet the most natural products like lemon and lavender oils, are not FDA approved? And yet MSG, which gives me SEVERE migraine headaches, is OK by their standards!

Well that subject will have to wait for another day!
